Alex Carran's

I believe in the importance of data-driven outcomes and innovative sustainable solutions. As an aspiring data analyst, I've successfully leveraged my skills in SQL, Tableau, Power BI, and Python to extract meaningful insights, driving impactful decision-making. I am dedicated to applying my analytical expertise to contribute effectively to future data-driven challenges.

Cleaning data in sql

In this project centered on Nashville's housing data, my primary focus was on data cleaning using SQL. I meticulously processed raw datasets, addressing inconsistencies and handling missing values to enhance usability. By ensuring data quality and organization, I set the groundwork for future in-depth analysis and insights extraction.

Tableau Dashboards

Utilized Tableau to design dynamic dashboards that visually communicate insights from various projects, including COVID-19 data analysis and additional endeavors. These interactive tools enhance accessibility to key findings and provide stakeholders with engaging platforms to explore nuanced patterns and trends within diverse datasets.

Movie correlation with python

I used Python coding to correlate movie data, examining factors like budget, release date, director, and duration to establish connections with gross sales. By leveraging various movie features, I sought to uncover meaningful correlations that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics influencing box office success.

Power BI Dashboard

Leveraged Power BI's dashboard capabilities to effectively communicate insights derived from diverse projects, including a focus on pizza sales. Analyzed data to identify the top 5 pizza flavors and pinpoint peak sales days of the week, showcasing a proficiency in extracting actionable information from datasets.


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Nashville, TN 00000-0000


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